Full design Consultation

designer working

This service is intended for clients who need us to design from A to Z one room, or their entire home.

One of our experts will be by your side during the whole process to ensure that the final result exceeds your expectations.

hand drawing a desing on top of a picture

Partial Design Consultation

designer working

This service is intended for clients who already have a concept for their design and they need an extra hand to complete the project.

One of our designers will meet with you to go over your ideas and to give you feedback, we will also be there to give you advice and suggestions during the process.

paint roll painting over picture

Styling Consultation

designer and client pickin colors

This service is intended for clients who wants to change the look of their home without redoing the whole design.

One of our designers will take a look at the room and propose the concept, after we will make some adjustments and add some pieces to renew the look of your house.

living room design

Learn more about the creative process of our designers…

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